Mission Statement

Marys River Grange Mission Statement 

The mission of Marys River Grange is to increase and strengthen bonds by working in partnership with community groups, to promote local products, people and activities and to support the development of our member’s potential to positively impact our community.

The Grange Mission Statement

The Grange provides opportunities for individuals and families to develop to their highest potential in order to build stronger communities and states, as well as a stronger nation.

The Grange will accomplish this mission through:


  • We give our members the opportunity to meet with and get to know their neighbors in a safe, family-friendly atmosphere
  • We provide a place where children, youth, and adults can grow, develop their talents and social skills, and learn leadership techniques


  • We provide our members with the opportunity to discover and solve community needs
  • We give assistance to individuals in crisis
  • We provide a great place for community networking


  • We have a grassroots approach to local, state and federal legislative change
  • We give our members a voice in state and federal government forum

1616 H Street NW • Washington, DC 20006
(888) 4-GRANGE • (202) 628-3507 • Fax: (202) 347-1091